Saturday, February 6, 2010

Snow day reflections...

We're in the middle of the 3rd snow storm in one week and I'm finding that Cabin Fever does wonders for helping me fulfill my resolution to rest more. The first day of snow falling can be summarized as follows:

1. Build snow man/woman. Take walk in storm with Abe.
2. "Dance Party" with Oak and Annabel.
3. Short nap followed by a frozen pizza and giving Oak and Abigail a bath.
4. Read 4 chapters of "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" to the kids before putting them to bed late...HEDONISM!
5. Cuddle. Cuddle. Cuddle. Nine hours of sleep with the wifey!

Now it is the second day of constant snow and it looks as though things will even out at about 18 inches. Sarah's taking a nap, Abe's playing with friends and the younger three are getting along great (I'm sure we'll have a good mess to clean up soon!). There is a bottle of Spanish wine waiting to be opened and many more chapters of C.S. Lewis...this should be a great day!

I know I'll be pushing snow around with a shovel for the greater part of the day tomorrow, and that the next week will be full of unique challenges, but right now I'm enjoying being warm and cozy.

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