Friday, February 26, 2010

Being together...I love these lyrics

"There's something in the way she moves, or looks my way, or calls my name, that seems to leave this troubled world behind...It isn't what she's got to say 'bout how she thinks and where she's been. To me, the words are nice the way they sound. Every now and then the things I lean on lose their meaning and I find myself careening into places where I should not let me go." (James Taylor)

Human interaction can create rest or unrest...its rarely neutral. We're "communers" and I think intended to "walk" with others. We're not designed to live life alone and not rely on anybody else, carrying our burdens by ourselves. And in the deepest relationships its just the sound of somebody's voice that brings feelings of rest...of shalom.

Tonight I sat and listened to Sarah talk, almost uninterrupted, for an hour. Truly the sound of her voice comforts me.

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