Friday, December 31, 2010

Oh no, the year is over!

Getting more rest was my New Year's Resolution for 2010 and today the year is over! Now I'm afraid that I'll suddenly become a neurotic work-a-holic with dark bags under my eyes...I pressed on to keep my resolution for an entire year and now its back to the old habits!

Just kidding.

Learning to live restfully is more of a "New Decade Resolution" than a New Year's Resolution. Maybe in 10 years I'll be ready to move forward, but not quite yet. Its like learning a foreign language...the first 12 years are the hardest!

One take away I've seen is that in order to rest more I have to make sacrifices. At the beginning of this year I was trying to cram too much in; I had to learn to say "no" to many things. This has been one of the most difficult things to deal with!

Second, I see that without God it would be impossible for me to truly find rest. There are so many things outside of my control that at any moment could come crashing in! Knowing God loves me and, even in the worst of these things, will never leave me creates in me a deep peace. The Psalms call it resting under the shadow of his a baby bird with its mother.

Finally, I've become convinced that getting adequate rest does not come naturally to me. I fight it like a little child before bedtime! I want to work...I hate being bored...there is so much to do that is good, fun, and necessary! I've seen that for my work to be effective, and for any good, fun or necessary things to take place with joyfulness of spirit, I must be well rested.

I'm not sure what 2011's resolutions will be...I have some ideas about ethics, budgeting, giving and music, but nothing has formed in my mind as worthy and/or doable for the year yet. I'll keep you posted!

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