Thursday, January 6, 2011

Put it into practice...

Over the past year I've reflected on how "rest" is as much a frame of mind as it is a physical activity. I've learned that the mind, body, soul and spirit must work together to find quietness and stillness. Little things like a regular bedtime, good/clean/clear friendships, stories & music, and working hard at a job I love, am good at, and find purpose in are all vital to make it through the "long haul" in peace. I've also learned that sacrificing many things that I like, even some that I really-really like, is necessary at times. Now it is time to put these things into practice in 2011!

Three years ago I "resoluted" to get to know myself better and find comfort in my own skin. Two years ago my resolution was to live a life of joy. Following those two up with a life of rest was the perfect order for me.

This year my goal is to adopt a more giving spirit...a crazy, "you should know better than to give that away" spirit. A "damn Doug, we can't afford to give that away" spirit. A "we really need to make a big sacrifice in our comfort level because its time to give deeply" spirit.

At dinner the other night I WAY overtipped because my beautiful bride reminded me of the vow I've was awesome and freeing. I've heard it said that we can't outgive God...this year I'm going to try!

May God bless you all...and please don't use my vow as an opportunity to "gold dig"!

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