Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I'm going to take a week off from evening lighting. For the next week I am going to turn off every conceivable light possible after dark and live in the "dim."

I'm not sure how it worked everywhere, but before electricity was harnessed into light bulbs houses must have been much darker after the sun went down. As a child we had two faux-antique oil lamps that we lit on occasion...pretty and a bit spooky, but not too intense with regards to how much light they put out. People 150 years ago, who lived half of their lives in the "dim" essence of oil lamps and candles, could not imagine my world of incandescence and florescence.

Before I even begin my experiment let me put out my hypothesis: I will get more high quality sleep if I light my house with less input from electricity.

I think this afternoon on my way home from work I'm going to invest in a couple of oil lamps!


  1. I really do enjoy these comments on life of yours, Doug! Keep them coming.

  2. Thanks Sally! Still haven't followed through with the oil lamps. My dad is going to loan me a couple when we see him next week and I like to save money when I can!
