Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The big picture...

I read a couple of days ago that once you find out the main business you are here for most of life's problems fall into place of their own accord. The guy who wrote that, J.I. Packer, has an entire chapter in his book dedicated to convincing us (me) that the "main business" we are all here for is to "know God." That is, in fact, the title of the book he wrote on the subject...Knowing God. The premise is in complete agreement with both Psalm 27 and Philippians 3.

But my days are filled with raising kids, pursuing peace and love with Sarah, fulfilling obligations at work and squeezing time in for all the activities these obligations entail. The "main business" for me seems different, and more complicated, than just "knowing God." None the less, I do find myself more settled, settled in my soul, when I rest in this premise...that the kids, the family, the job, the activites etc., etc., etc., are all an out-flowing of my relationship with the Lord.

The rest I seek is deeper than mere sleep. The rest I am hoping to learn about and experience this year has to do with a peace in my soul that all I am pursuing has an eternal purpose.

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