Sunday, January 31, 2010

How to fall asleep...

1. Lie down in a comfortable position that requires no muscle strength for support.
2. Breathe deeply 10 times very slowly.
3. Lie motionless for about 1 minute.
4. Repeat step 2 and 3 as necessary.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

A Long Day Ahead...

Today I am going to be away from home from about 6 AM until at least 9 an assistant principal a 15 hour day is not unheard of at all, but it does take some getting used to! Today, however, is not just long but has elements in place I would call "intense."

First is a meeting with some fellow administrators who are also believers...this will be a good, fatty meal at Waffle House, so no problems there. Next there is a school-wide assembly during which 200 7 and 8 year olds are going to be singing to 400 3-11 year olds. I run sound, which means anything can happen...especially feedback. After that I will be meeting with some children regarding some name calling, which is a typical part of the AP job. The difference in this case is that the children both have severe challenges in their home and the hurt they feel runs very deep and comes out in some very challenging ways. Reading between the lines...this will be intense! After school the teachers are sharing their achievement data with the each other, the administration and Central Office staff (maybe even the Superintendent). This is a mid-year check to see how children are progressing academically. Hopefully this will be good news! Finally, the evening Chorus concert. Set-up, run sound, tear down...hopefully now feedback!

By 9 PM I should be headed home.

God definitely calls us to a rigorous life! But in the midst of it all I hope to find rest and peace. So far so good...7 1/2 hours of sleep last night!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The big picture...

I read a couple of days ago that once you find out the main business you are here for most of life's problems fall into place of their own accord. The guy who wrote that, J.I. Packer, has an entire chapter in his book dedicated to convincing us (me) that the "main business" we are all here for is to "know God." That is, in fact, the title of the book he wrote on the subject...Knowing God. The premise is in complete agreement with both Psalm 27 and Philippians 3.

But my days are filled with raising kids, pursuing peace and love with Sarah, fulfilling obligations at work and squeezing time in for all the activities these obligations entail. The "main business" for me seems different, and more complicated, than just "knowing God." None the less, I do find myself more settled, settled in my soul, when I rest in this premise...that the kids, the family, the job, the activites etc., etc., etc., are all an out-flowing of my relationship with the Lord.

The rest I seek is deeper than mere sleep. The rest I am hoping to learn about and experience this year has to do with a peace in my soul that all I am pursuing has an eternal purpose.

Monday, January 25, 2010

My eyes are open...

Today my eyes are open without any undue effort; the default mode for my eyes is "open!" I notice it because the feeling is so different from what I am used to. Typically, and unconsciously, my eyes are default "closed." The muscles in my face are working to keep them open because I have, invariably, not slept much the night...week...month...year before. Today I feel the difference!

On Saturday I vowed not to leave my property; I made a commitment to staying home the entire day! At 1 PM I put down the mop in the kitchen, left the bucket in place, and retreated to my bedroom for a 1 hour nap. At 8:30 PM I went to bed, slept for over 8 hours, and woke up refreshed. On Sunday I had down-time in the afternoon and, last night, had another good nights sleep. Today I feel GREAT!

Ever since my junior year of high school I have been a "let sleep come later" person. I worked part-time jobs late into the evening, woke up early for school, and did extra-curricular activities most afternoons and weekends. Ever since then I have been a strong believer in the "I only need six hours of sleep and two cups of coffee to survive" philosophy. Today I have lost some of my faith.

Tonight I'll be in bed by 9:00!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

New Year's Resolution...Rest More!

Married life with 4 kids is the absolute definition of bedlam...of course I love being in the middle of the fray! But I do find myself quite tired. My New Year's Resolution is to rest more...I was told that the most counter cultural thing a Christian in the U.S. can do is to rest more. I'm three weeks into it so far and find it to be a very profound walk.

Lessons learned so far (learned but not necessarily applied)
1. It is impossible to rest outside of God's will.
2. It is impossible to rest when I'm harboring anger towards somebody.
3. God will fight my battles.
4. God calls us to a rigorous life, but in him it is not a paradox to rest.
5. If I'm not close to him I will not know when he wants me to rest and when he wants me to be rigorous.
6. I don't know the first thing about rest.
7. I don't know the first thing about really trusting God with my life.
8. God rested from his work. I am not better than God when I don't rest.
9. Lying flat on my back for an hour is a great way to start the sleep process.