Saturday, October 30, 2010

Abide in...

"Abide in" seems to me that one is dwelling comfortably and identifying with a certain place. I "Abide in" Charlottesville...Virginia...the U.S....My home with my family...

We all "Abide" somewhere. Some of us like where we "Abide" while others find the fit less comfortable. Sometimes we can change where we abide and other times we can only endure the madness! Sometimes our "abiding" changes without us wanting it to; sometime we are hoping to "abide elsewhere."

One place that I know I find comfort is what the Word says is "abiding in Christ." Doing so is said to make joy complete, create a truly fruitful life, and honor God. All of this is place-irrelevant; circumstances do not dictate joy, fruit or honor of God. When Jesus speaks of abiding in him he still has dusty knees from washing feet and is about to be betrayed and severely abused and killed. The disciples with whom he is speaking will live their remaining years broke, treated badly, enduring injustice at every turn, and die painfully...and yet Jesus says that in spite of that if they "Abide in me they will bear much fruit."

We can't "not abide." No other abode will bring peace, joy, and love in spite of circumstances.

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