Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Osama Bin Laden is dead...

Sarah shared this with me yesterday morning. I hadn't heard about it on the big announcement and I immediately needed to leave for work, so I didn't have much time to process at all. When I got home last night at 8:00 the "breaking news" was over and our rabbit ear reception did not get any coverage from the news. I had a difficult time resting without processing what had happened; I had been processing it internally but needed an opportunity to process externally as well.

In the "olden days" when people talked to each other in the town square (or around the camp-fire, or in the church social hall) the opportunity to externally process was natural and regular. Cultures create ways to connect with others that reflect the trends of the day. Some say that this is why our generation has a more difficult time processing traumatic events...we don't have T-I-M-E or social permission to share outloud, or simply listen to others share outloud.

By default I went to the street corner of our age: Facebook. I wanted to share and be shared with; this is a venue that many of my circle are actively a part of and I wanted to be "with" them. I think that is O.K.

The internet was running slow and I found the outprocessing/inprocessing I needed with my lovely wife. I just like the sound of her voice!